You can't just throw up your hands and let the house of cards fall. Nope, doubling down's about the only thing to do when votes and a chunk of the economy ride on keeping it all going.
Here's an interesting read, on topic, from a "Sarah Palin - Ben Carson" kind of marginalized statistician:
This head-in-the-sand attitude has to change. If we don’t know how to substitute for absent, uncaring or incompetent parenting with outside interventions, then we have to think about how we increase the odds that children are born to present, caring and competent parents.
-- Edited by catahoula on Thursday 21st of February 2013 03:38:50 PM
Sounds a little like the definition of insanity, doesn't it? "Sorcerer's Apprentice" images of brooms and water buckets come to mind.
Science has found out why liberals do this. In short, liberals don't, or can't, understand human nature:
When I began this work, I was very much a liberal. And over time, in doing the research for my book and in reading a lot of conservative writing, I've come to believe that conservative intellectuals actually are more in touch with human nature. They have a more accurate view of human nature.Moyers and Company: How Do Liberals and Conservatives See the World?
"conservatives have a more accurate understanding of human nature than do liberals." ... "Liberals need to be shaken," he says. They "misunderstand conservatives far more than the other way around."The Chronicle
This explains practically everything. From the terror and genocide of the French Revolution to the bankrupting of this country and the dissolution of the family and the devaluing of life itself through the entitlement mentality of the Welfare State to the chaos and anarchy of OWS, the failure of liberalism to grasp fundamental human nature is the elephant in the room that, out of some sense of "fairness" or politeness or decorum or denial or........something, people refuse to acknowledge and go to great lengths to avoid.
-- Edited by winchester on Tuesday 19th of February 2013 08:01:29 AM
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” – Mark Twain