Right now are the big government party like the Dems, but they oppose all the things that the younger generation wants (gay marriage, pro-choice, etc).
By becoming the party for a small federal government, they can support hands off the economy, they can leave gay marriage up to individuals/localities, and they can not become involved in individuals' decisions about what to do with their body. They can support keeping the government out of healthcare. They can support raising the social security age and cutting fraud/waste/abuse from medicare/medicaid and stop involving the federal government in things like k-12 education.
The R's either got to dump the fringe or start a new party. The perceived Base is really nothing more than a bunch of disinfrancised losers with a big mouth.
Right now ,Christie is my hero, a republican whose no nonsense approach to the extreme issues facing the NJ is being lambasted by a bunch of Sh**heads in his party - truly laughable