Re: Foreign policy. But how much of the President's decision is based on secret information? We assumed that W made his decision on secret information, we trusted and gave him a very generous pass for making that decision.
If you are the President, and receive a PDB everyday for 3 yrs., made decisions for those yrs, than IMPO, you should be able to defend your position easier than the challenger who did not receive those briefs and only can live on a hypothetical decision. O can always have time to respond to MR's position and poke holes in his position.
As for he has more important thing to do, you are right...he had to take time out to pose with a pirate plus meet with Netanyahu. Oh that's right he didn't meet Netanyahu he went on the View instead with MO.
Raising a teenager is like nailing Jello to a tree
"This is not about who will do a better job, it is about are Americans watching the debate are expecting less from Obama than Romney? How do they justify that they expect their President to lose? A man they voted to LEAD this country above anyone else.
If they expect that fact, isn't that warped? They lower the bar for the guy running our country against the challenger. Seriously, every sitting President IMPO should be able to slap the challenger into the corner and tell him to color while they are in that corner."
Perhaps some would hope that a president would be concerned with more important things than preparing for a debate. Or perhaps in Obama's case, he will be nervous that Mitt will come up with a bet > 10k that he can't pay off if he loses the bet.
"The incident was recalled similarly by five students, who gave their accounts independently of one another. Four of them — Friedemann, now a dentist; Phillip Maxwell, a lawyer; Thomas Buford, a retired prosecutor; and David Seed, a retired principal — spoke on the record. Another former student who witnessed the incident asked not to be identified. The men have differing political affiliations, although they mostly lean Democratic. Buford volunteered for Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008. Seed, a registered independent, has served as a Republican county chairman in Michigan. All of them said that politics in no way colored their recollections."
left wing media will do whatever it takes to get oboma reelected...anything. Anything negative in regards to Mr O will be suppressed(like reason an American embassador was killed) while the Washington Post will run a front page story on Romney hazing someone in high school. It scares me that the American people may be dumb enough to believe the spin.
Actually, since the media has obama winning already, all dems should just stay home and not vote..even though all key toss up states are within the margin of error.
This is not about who will do a better job, it is about are Americans watching the debate are expecting less from Obama than Romney? How do they justify that they expect their President to lose? A man they voted to LEAD this country above anyone else.
If they expect that fact, isn't that warped? They lower the bar for the guy running our country against the challenger. Seriously, every sitting President IMPO should be able to slap the challenger into the corner and tell him to color while they are in that corner.
Sitting Presidents get DPB's for the last 3 yrs. They have an inside track. How is it the talk is Romney will win in this debate and this sits well with any voter?
The minute you acknowledge this as fact, aren't you acknowledging Romney is the better choice?
I just don't get it unless the MSM has an agenda to be bias. To make a difference somewhere, somehow.
Why is Romney all over the news as the winner before the debate occurs?
Raising a teenager is like nailing Jello to a tree