Now there is some discussion that the improved levee system around NOLA, may have pushed the flooding waters upstream and into areas previously not flooded in H. Katrina. -Duh, any kid who builds sand forts at the beach or played with curb water, knows that water will always seek the weakess point in a defense system-even if the weaker point is on higher ground.
Pre H. Isacc. Gov. B. Jindal, appealed in an open letter to PBO for federal dollars even before H. Isacc hit NOLA or La. PBO responded by going on TV, encouraging citizens of the affected areas to heed warnings by local and state officials, -- What more did Jindal want from our Federal Government-President.
some of my emoticons I have on retainer, are now available. Most are taking a short break from the Political Party Conventions and are preparing for the heavy Presidential campaigns. Be sure to use whatever emoticons that are available.
-- Edited by longprime on Saturday 8th of September 2012 05:23:16 PM
-- Edited by longprime on Saturday 8th of September 2012 05:26:08 PM
-- Edited by longprime on Saturday 8th of September 2012 05:27:24 PM
IF TS Issac hits New Orleans and significant damage occurs-How much should the Feds aid in recontructing NO?
That neither really occurred doesn't change that the model for federal help was set in stone with Katrina. As enjoyable as it was watching that other guy choke on it, it's going to be really hard to get down when it's your turn to chew.
Either let NO slowly settle into the muck - as it's bound to do - or pour the billions into the levee rebuilds that are going to be required to keep it the dewatered hole in the ground it will always be. Keep in mind though that if you decide to let NO sink, you're still going to have to keep the river open,which might be a good bit harder to do without the industry base that the city supports.
Private enterprise pouring money into non-essential investments along the gulf coast ought to operate as naked when it comes to government guarantees as their investors were when they entered the world.
My faith in my fellow discussion board members has been shaken.
Apparently I’ll have to start adding disclaimer statements to some of my posts, something like:
WARNING: This post makes absurd, tongue in cheek claims for the purpose of highlighting the absurdity of the persistent liberal meme of conservative “meanness” and/or “racism.”
It spoils the humor, or the irony, or the sarcasm, or whatever you want to call it, if I have to explain it.
And speaking of having to explain, did nobody else see the following news item which illustrates what I'm talking about?:
(Reuters) - Yahoo! News fired its chief political correspondent on Wednesday for an off the cuff remark about Republicans partying "with black people drowning".
David Chalian, the Yahoo! News Washington Bureau Chief, made the comment privately during a webcast of the Republican National convention on Monday in partnership with ABC News, but it was picked up by a live microphone.
With Hurricane Isaac approaching New Orleans as the convention got underway, Chalian was heard saying to an unidentified guest, "Feel free to say, ‘They're not concerned at all. They are happy to have a party with black people drowning'".
Quoting Romani from a different thread “I will say that it legitimately scares the crap out of me that ANYONE could believe this," and a CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT no less.
Romani what I find hilarious is that you find hilarious something I never claimed. Further, through your accusation you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of doing, which is to make wild, unsupported, assumptions about what I know or don’t know. I responded completely and only to the words on the screen, with no leaps in logic or presumptions about your “issues across the spectrum.”
And what the heck does the fact that there was an hour between my two posts have to do with the price of tea in China? That comment is a non sequitur. Do you mean to suggest that you’ve never said something and then a little later had another idea on the same topic?
And finally, your claim about not participating in political boards is disingenuous. The last time I checked the title of this board it said "Political & Elections," and the original question for this thread has to do with whether the government should pay for rebuilding private property damaged by storms. The statements you made here are very much political, whether you know it or not. Even the selection of which questions to answer, or which information to just pass along for informational purposes as you've claimed elsewhere, is driven by, and suggest, political views. You claims of non-involvement provide about as much protection for you to hide behind as the curtain provided to The Wizard of Oz.
-- Edited by winchester on Friday 31st of August 2012 10:48:48 AM
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” – Mark Twain
winchester, I am entirely capable of thinking through individual issues and coming to different conclusions based on the particular issue. Sarcastic remarks such as yours are the reason that I mostly avoid political forums now.
And to be honest, I think it is absolutely hilarious that you think you know my political issues across the spectrum. You know I am liberal about social issues (drugs, abortion, marriage equality, etc). I rarely talk about economic issues like welfare reform, etc.
I am actually pretty fiscally conservative. I apologize if that's difficult for you to wrap your head around.
I also think it's funny that you responded to my comments over the course of an hour
-- Edited by romanigypsyeyes on Thursday 30th of August 2012 01:24:36 PM
A man on a rooftop and flood waters rising, appeals to God, "why have you foresaken my prayers?"
God, briefly parts the clouds, and speaks to the drowning man, "I heard your prayer but What do you want me to do? The insurance [government] company took away the flood insurance. The Weatherman said it would be a flood of epic proportions. The state governor said to evacuate. The BoyScouts knocked on your door to help you evacuate. The National Guard came by in a boat. The Coast Guard tried to lift you out by helicopter. And finally I let a abandoned row boat drift by you. ... [you can fill in the rest] "
Yes, I did vote for Ron Paul. Why didn't you?
-- Edited by longprime on Thursday 30th of August 2012 10:19:58 AM [fprgpt the evileye ]
-- Edited by longprime on Thursday 30th of August 2012 10:21:40 AM