If a kid needed just a few hours a month, it might be cheaper to use a zip car than to buy/lease a new or used car. Some things are tough to do on bikes and especially with weather issues.
I had a client that had to go to a doctor's appointment several times a month and didn't have access to a car. A taxi would have actually cost more and too far to ride a bike, plus she would have to wait in a not great neighborhood for them to arrive. On the way back from doc, she usually stopped at grocery store for items for her dorm. Even if she spent $20 or $30 bucks, it paid off for her and her parents didn't blink.
I was at the Fremont (Seattle) Solstice Fair, on my bike (with clothes) and Zip Cars was trying to get me signed up. Already have cars, I was visiting DS who has a car (our old car) and I was on a bike trying to lose 10#s.
Anyway, (punchline) why would anyone younger person want to use a ZIP Car at $10/hr, to do something that would normally take many hours to do?
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