The Julia article seems perfectly obvious to those of us who see the full spectrum of human morality, and we can feel very self-satisfied at the ridiculous airheadedness of it all.
But for many other people that sort of nonsense truly resonates, so we must not be complacent in our assuredness that it will never sell. In fact, utopian dreams of that sort do sell, and sell very well, for large portions of the elctorate. We must not be afraid to call a spade a spade, or utpian marxism utopian marxism, and expose it for the failed ideology that it is.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” – Mark Twain
If those young liberals come to see the president not as a cool modern idealist in on the joke but as a bloviating panderer who buys his own shtick, he’s in big trouble. If you puncture Obama’s balloon, there is not much left of him, and he seems to be running the risk of puncturing that balloon himself.