Nah, the only distinction for the bulk of the outraged is that an idiot isn't in the oval office at the moment, instead a Harvard law guy is, one that they feel really close to.
After the steady stream of protest signs talking about killing Bush, I guess I just can't get too worked up about some twit's email to whovever else he believed shared his own sorry sense of humor.
sorry, but I think GW was not the brightest. He may have prayed for wisdom. O'Neal is praying for God (we assume a good God) to bring bad things to the President. A significant distinction. The ultimate question is whether God heard O'Neal's prayer?
what gets my sensibilities is that this guy takes a Holy Text and invokes an outcome on iinnocents and of course the Nation.
And the ones most offended by whatever the nitwit did are the most likely to believe there isn't anything holy about the book and that prayer is simply an ignorant individual's wishing - come to think of it, that's precisely how ThinkProgress described it... go figure.
To think that many of us pray that the Almighty gives wisdom to the President, makes one wonder just who the Kansas House Speaker is praying to.
Horses and water, but I recall that GW confessed he'd reached a decision through prayer (a sure crib that he believed he'd gotten wisdom from on high) and was mocked unmercifully about it from the left.
My prayers tend to involve keeping my family safe and healthy, away from harm. I know others pray differently...
I'm not very religious either, Samurai. Well, at least not anymore.... And I must admit that I too, primarily pray for the safety and health of my family and others for whom I care. I only lift the President, MOC, and our country as a whole (though, it seems positively futile to do so most of the time) in prayer once in a while, but when I do, it's to pray that they act in wisdom and sound judgment.
-- Edited by Poetsheart on Tuesday 17th of January 2012 10:43:08 PM
I am not very religious or a regular church goer. My prayers tend to involve keeping my family safe and healthy, away from harm. I know others pray differently, but I can't understand wishing for someone's demise, especially for religious reasons. It's...just weird to me.
But then again, people who think this way aren't exactly rational, are they?
To think that many of us pray that the Almighty gives wisdom to the President, makes one wonder just who the Kansas House Speaker is praying to.
Does make one pause to think, doesn't it? I always pray that our President (whether he, and hopefully soon, she, be a Democrat or Republican---and I've voted for both) acts with wisdom and sound judgment, and I know that's true of many other posters on this forum.
what gets my sensibilities is that this guy takes a Holy Text and invokes an outcome on iinnocents and of course the Nation. To think that many of us pray that the Almighty gives wisdom to the President, makes one wonder just who the Kansas House Speaker is praying to.
Yep, he's a pretty indefensible piece, for a number of reasons, but... is this one of those "hate speech" kind of things, the type of inflammatory rhetoric that leads to violence?
It must be because otherwise,"wishing" is now legally synonymous with "threatening".
This nut job should be out of office immediately. What a disgrace. He is not a real Republican. The Republicans should kick him out of the party too. He is just as bad as the A-holes who wished death on Pres. Bush.
Hell, I felt guilty after laughing at the "does this ass make my car look fat" sticker I spotted the other day, which would seem to indicate I'm not really a republican at the end of the day, at least not the really bad kind.
There's acceptable bigots and then there are the republican kind.
Yeah, that too. And it's things like this that make people charge that the GOP is far too tolerant of the racist elements in their ranks. I'm not saying that there are no racists in the Democratic party---there most certainly are, but I don't think they are nearly so numerous as among the GOP. And at least the Dems know to not to be so blatant, so unapologetic. The Dems at least, know to be ashamed of open expressions of this sort.
-- Edited by Poetsheart on Sunday 15th of January 2012 06:39:29 PM
O’Neal forwarded the prayer with his own message: “At last — I can honestly voice a Biblical prayer for our president! Look it up — it is word for word! Let us all bow our heads and pray. Brothers and Sisters, can I get an AMEN? AMEN!!!!!!”
Suppose The Speaker had sent this poisoned little missive to the White House. Do you suppose the Secret Service might have felt it prudent to pay a little visit to Mr. O'Neal?