You idiot. Gov regs and standards are minimums. Don't put the blame or responsibility on PBO, Congress and the Regulators. If the Republican 114th has any guts, they would tell Anthem to train your people better and have protections in place.
You, heath providers, require us users to give you all our personal information prior to service, and you give out a disclosure that I must sign every year, and yet you don't do the basics to protect that information.
I have to wonder - is it this 30 million or so diehard dreamers that's effectively been wagging the dog over his term? What on earth are they going to do when he's no longer relevant and they haven't a voice anymore?
Can't say I have any idea as to Paul's position on paying off supporters and donors with green energy cash but I can't imagine he'd have been as extravagant:
The stimulus funding in 2009 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) totaled $787 billion, and most of those funds have been paid out according to the government’s website. The total that went to green energy projects is not clear. Brookings estimated it at $51 billion, with a total government spending (both stimulus and non-stimulus) on green initiatives at $150 billion through 2014[ii].
Course, horizontal drilling, fracing, and the Saudis smoked any reasonable return on that money right up. I'd say live at learn at this point, if the same people that thought he was such a smart idea weren't pushing another Harvard alum.
Something productive would be to get a message to these types of people, one that explained that getting capital intensive oil projects built is kind of a good thing. Think Keystone/tar sands here because once the money's sunk, they'll produce them at a rate of return nowhere near what they built them for.
I'm betting longprime got the joke, jd... he's spoken well of him in the past.
If our current president had just nibbled the ripest fruit - preexisting conditions - there would have been a few very happy people and not enough strife from the rest to even bubble to the surface, longprime. Hiding the rest of all that entitlement wet dream behind these few happy campers isn't destined to work out to well for the old signature achievement... if you don't believe me, just ask all those ex-congresswhatevers from the parts of town that don't include Pelosi's daughter and the like.
When I had the big C done, it was easy.
Jello's alright, if you've hidden everything else edible in the house.
Just had a physical (and colonoscopy) and I'm thinking I've got some time left, lp. Not enough to see the Harvard squaw move in the Oval office but probably enough to watch Obamacare suffer the slow dismemberment it deserves.
Only about 12 more months. You think you can live that long?
Is Jeb waiting to hear from God to speak to him? Or is he waiting for the People to speak? What is this about announcing his exploratory announcement to his possible candidacy to run in 2016 elections. Party affiliation TBA.
He's been a special snowflake, alright. Can't say his specialness has extended to his party, though.... things are pretty grim out there in HuffPo land from what I'm reading and much of his good work stands a good chance of being rolled back like sale prices.
Nevertheless, the pure of heart liberals haven't figured out their dreams don't translate into shared ones... they seem to be having little hot flashes at the idea of having the first native American president: Elizabeth Warren.
There is no doubt. None. Without the media covering for him, he actually probably would've had impeachment proceedings starting against him long ago.
Anybody else feeling like they are living in some kind of alternate universe? Where everything we are being told is real is not real? Daily cognitive dissonance, where every single time some article in the Huffpo, Daily Beast, NYT, TNR, Atlantic, etc. etc. begins with RACE, WOMEN, FEMINiSM, GAY, EQUALITY, blah, blah, blah you just tune out? You thank goodness you're in your sixties now, and all you feel is pity for the poor slugs (mostly young, mostly minority) who are but pawns in a much larger game started by the New Left way back in the sixties and of which they have no clue? Shame on my generation, shame on Obama, Holder, Jarrett. Shame, shame, shame.
You can't even feel anger anymore. Just disgust. God help this country.