It wouldn't be the first time that someone became more conservative for the primary, and moved closer to the middle for the general election. Or became further left for the primary and more to the center for the general. Look at the transformation of our president. Most entertaining is his implication that he's a fiscal conservative. Gonna cut the deficit way down. Yeah!
One of the arguments that Ocare was, Singlepayer, which of course locked out private insurance companies and effectively locked rate setting.
So ObamaCare morphed into control on costs at the provider level, emphasis on insurance payout, management ratios and job/mandate medical insurance. But if MR-Ryan wanted to go to a voucher system, Insurance companies will be forced to compete on costs and benefit level unless Congress places a certain amount of "Regulation and Restrictions" . Business wants to market on intangibles-Satisfaction Level;
If you got Medicare because you are 65+, you'll learn to hate Oct to Dec 7, when you get open enrollment. Don't worry, it will get more confusing.
Disclaimer: I am on state's medical insurance pool (47%) because of a pre-existing condition but had continuous insurance. I had three choices, a low deductible or high deductible or no insurance. The first two choices have the definite possibility to break the bank. And the last choice has the possibility of breaking the bank and making the taxpayer pickup the tab.