This must be who Obama was referring to when he said, ""They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them...."
The Blaze’s Erica Ritz contributed to this report.
According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:
“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”
“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”
“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”
He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”
“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army
Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”
Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them
“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”
Shabazz in various poses, and with his son.
The National Field Marshal for the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), King Samir Shabazz, engaged in multiple vicious tirades on his national radio show this weekend, calling for broad violence against whites.
Shabazz, you may remember, made national news in 2008 when the Department of Justice brought a voter intimidation suit against him and a NBPP accomplice. They got in trouble for wearing Black Panther uniforms and brandishing a police-style baton outside a Philadelphia precinct during the Presidential election. Shabazz was charged on the grounds of violations to the Voting Rights Act.
But on May 29, 2009, against the advice of prosecutors who had worked on the case, the Department of Justice ordered the suit dropped, even though Shabazz and the other defendants in the case refused to appear in federal court.