As part of my major, I get to workshop with some really interesting people. The workshop I had tonight was by far the most memorable. As some of you know, I lost someone close to me in this war and I know many of you understand the pains of war as well. The gist of this project is that they use old uniforms to make paper as a way of beginning to deal with what they've been through. I thought it might interest someone so I thought I'd pass it along.
The two guys who started it, Drew and Drew, were extremely nice and patient. They were very passionate about what they did. There are only 12 of us in the class so we got to spend quite a bit of time with them (it's a very long class). They got us talking about our experiences (including me with my BIL and another classmate who is a veteran herself and currently has a son deployed in Iraq) and it was quite powerful. One of the Drews is a veteran who served in Iraq as well.