I am glad that we have some new posters here, but in the interest in keeping some of the personal details only for the eyes of those interested in those details...this is the new sub-forum for that. Some have expressed that the TMI aspect of the posts shut down at CC and, here also aren't for everyone. I agree.
Even with the anonymity of the internet, it's a good rule of thumb to not include details that might be embarassing to you professionally or personally. In this six degrees of separation world we live in, it's still possible that you may know someone here in real life, or may be connected to others in other ways. Sometimes we choose to give away our real names, sometimes not. Not everyone on the internet is who they say they are and we have had trouble with trolls - like any other discussion board. Some people will turn into great cyberbuddies, but some people aren't trustworthy with your personal details. I urge to you to be careful.
So if you want to talk about online dating or the details of dates or things that grandma might not approve of, leave it here in this sub-forum. Thanks for your understanding.