You would be surprised at the range of topics we talk about on a 4 hour flight. And sometimes we realize that it would not be pretty if what we were talking about became public, so we joke about not crashing in the next half hour (flight data recorder goes on a 30 minute loop), because really do you want your last words on tape to be reaming your in laws. It really didn't occur to us that we if we were accidentally talking on hot mike, that Air Traffic Control would track down who we were, release it to the press, and a jackass like Anderson Cooper would put it on his prime time show (reference Southwest captain complaining about only flying with Grannies, Grandes and Gays---a valid complaint for a single guy, actually). Wouldn't you love him to accidentally go hot mike talking about his personal life.
I only participate on cc and this forum, but I have a short memory. Freezing water in your bidet. That sounds like a form of torture I think most people would pass on.
It was on Cc. Just how many forums do participate.,?
The water heater died in our bidet seat. Our tapwater is held in a above ground storage tank. The weather just south of pdx is below freezing most of day for nearly a week. We definitely get a nice surprise on each use.- which made me think your of comment for surprising guests.