Holder has expressed some regret over his handling of the Rich pardon, stating "I wish I had done some things differently with regard to the Marc Rich matter. Specifically, I wish that I had ensured that the Department of Justice was more fully informed and involved in this pardon process", and called his own actions a "mistake"
Illustrious career aside, I can't imagine why Holder ever even surfaced again. Not the best choice Obama could have made, in my opinion.
Between either losing his patron or being forced out in a general deck clearing before the election, what are the odds he'll last a year?
Issa mentions John Mitchell, and contempt of Congress. So is Holder going to get away with withholding emails from the committee? Is it me or does Holder actually seem rather contemptuous of the F&F congressional inquiry? That constant little smirk may not have endeared him to some.