But that was a long time ago, and I've forgotten most of the words.
But seriously, there are all kinds of people in the world, and there are billions of us. So statistically this kind of thing, and just about anything else one can imagine, is bound to happen.
We can't fix everything, or everyone, or even let most of the weird stuff bother us, because if we did then we'd be bothered all the time, and we'd never have any serenity in our own lives.
The only thing that's guaranteed after we're born is that we're going to die. Everything in between is up to us. The only thing we have any control over at all is ourselves, and at times even that control is debatable.
We just have to accept that wierd, tragic stuff happens, and even, sometimes, go easy on ourselves when we don't do what we think we should. Ever feel guilty because you don't lose enough weight, or you don't read enough, or maybe you should work a little harder? You're human. You have only a finite amount of emotional energy. It can get used up. Your self control can, at times, get worn out; used up. You need time, free from pressure and demands, to recharge those batteries. Go easier on yourself. give yourself a break.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” – Mark Twain
There are really really stupid people in the world. Hopefully these kids will be a little brighter than their parents and change their names when they come of age.
If the only thing these parents did to mistreat their kids is to give them horrifice names, I don't think their kids should be taken away by the state.
Kids are resilient. You never know how things are going to turn out.
Names are the best gift that parents can give their child. Hopefully they can given them ones that don't ruin their lives!
I have no idea what possesses folks to do such ridiculous naming of their offspring. Do they relish the ideas of getting their kids asses kicked on the playground?
I know that unusual spellings are very cool these days. One of my daughter's friends name is spelled really strange - known this girl for a decade, and I still almost never spell it correctly. She goes by a shortened nickname, which is good. At least its a name that isn't unusual sounding or hard to pronounce!
L-a. Yeah, that is a good one. Having worked in a school for a lot of years, I have seen some really odd ones. Fortunately, not that odd.
A couple has lost their fourth child after giving their other children names like : Adolf Hitler, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie. Authorities claim that the children were taken away because the parents don't have the mental capacity to care for their children.
Let's assume that the parents aren't Neo-Nazis like they claim. Is it abuse to name your child something like Adolf Hitler? Honestly, it is setting them up for a lifetime of hardship IMO. That child is going to be mericlessly picked on in school and what employer wants someone with the name "Adolf Hitler" on their payroll? Where do you draw the line?
I do question the ability to raise a child from anyone who gives their child a name that will probably cause them trouble in life, whether it be Adolf Hitler or La-a (pronounced Ladasha obviously). When you do that to your kid, you're already giving them a big hurdle to overcome when they grow up and that's just not right. As parents, your main goal is supposed to be to give your child the best start in life as you can (at least within your means and names are certainly within your control) and if you don't do that, I question your ability to be a parent (not that the foster system is any better, but that's a whole other issue).