I've known several people who have had corrective surgery to reallign their bites, including my ex husband. All of them said it was the best thing they ever did. It didn't drastically change their look, however.
My son's dentist has repeatedly told him that he needs to have corrective jaw surgery to reallign his bite. He won't do it. I wonder if it's the same type of medical/dental condition?
After all the crap thrown Bristol Palin's way, I don't think anyone has a right to judge her actions or how she wants to raise her child.
I just saw a report that she's going to live with her former Dancing with the Stars partner and have the whole thing taped, for some new reality show. I don't watch reality shows, and don't really care what she does.
The report included a note that she would be having her 2-year old daughter living with her in the hosue, and would be taped as part of the reality show.
How very liberal of her. Another 'alternative-lifestyle' family.
That being said, if I were to be frank and honest I would call this a poor life-style choice, even though it is probably a bold life-style choice, so I will not be frank and simply note that we are all different and in no position to judge lifestyles as they evolve in all their progressive wonder.
That said, I will obviously not be watching and don't give a rat's ass about any of the Palins, except the one who might run for office, and then I hope she gets squashed because she would be terrible.
Other than a comment here and there, I never got too involved in the conversations about Bristol Palin, because I agree with the majority of people on this board that by and large, the children of politicians should be off-limits.
But she's now 20 years old, and not exactly a child. But speaking of children, I just saw a report that she's going to live with her former Dancing with the Stars partner and have the whole thing taped, for some new reality show. I don't watch reality shows, and don't really care what she does.
The report included a note that she would be having her 2-year old daughter living with her in the hosue, and would be taped as part of the reality show. I hope that report is incorrect. Bristol can do whatever she wants and make money in whatever legal way she chooses. However, including her 2 year old infant on a reality show is just waaayyyy behind the pale, I think. Wow, that poor child. Thoughts?