We've had some interesting flights, but I still happily fly.
I prefer the big planes, but it's been a while since I've been on a really big one. In the late 80's and 90's we flew a lot on the ones that sat 10 across. Haven't seen those in a while. The few we took weer pretty empty, though. We flew to LA via Dallas. The trip from Deroit to Dallas was so empty that the atendants served us tow breakfasts and then we got int he middle seats to lay down and take a nap - lol. On the way the back, the plane stopped in Chicago and the airlline decided that there weren't enough people to continue to Detroit. The airline did get us on other flights. Ah--those were the days!! Lately the planes have been smaller jets.
We flew to Dallas this summer - plane dumped us in Memphis because of storms in Texas and basically said scew you. Me, hubby, daughter, mother-in-law, and her sister attempting to get to my nieces graduation. Mother-in-law and her sister were able to get out later that night on stand by. My family had to find a hotel in Memphis to spend the night. Did I mention that Delta brought in all its flights to Memphis because of the weather. A zillion people were stranded.
Got to the airport the next morning, people sleeping all over the airport. Daughter and I were able to get out around 11AM. Hubby got out around 2, but he ended up at Dallas Love airport. Yes, we missed the graduation. Mom and sister's luggage traveled across the country, but met us back in Detroit. - lol My family's luggage ended up in Dallas, but not on our flight (!) Heh - daughter was headed to New Mexico later in the summer and refused to fly Delta - lol lol
I always have my meds as take carry on and hubby carries on his C-PAP, I know now to carry on the toothbrush!
Every now and then you hear about some idiot who is still inebriated from the night before, but generally their own crew reports them. Of course that's what always makes the news. But plenty of people drink, they usually are smart enough to follow the rules, because someone is always watching. I have heard on Air France, the flight attendants actually serve wine to the pilots flying. I don't know how true that is.....but I'd believe it!
^ I know that few would do something like that- which is why we asked. I grew up in a family of alcoholics though so I know what it does to people. Common sense goes out the window. We assumed that it was just an off-duty pilot who was going home on the same flight.
It was just my sister and I flying, which is why my parents were so alert.
But, in the over decade I've flown since, I've never once seen a pilot even sit down in a bar let alone drink. That goes for pilots here and abroad.
Nice of you to say that pilots are appreciated, silvermoonlock. It sounds like you were glad to walk out of there in one piece! I know that turbulence can be frightening, but it is very rarely dangerous. Of course, if you don't have your seatbelt on, or you're a flight attendant trying to serve drinks, that's when there are injuries. But it is highly unlikely that even severe turbulence would bring an airplane down. Sometimes you just can't avoid turbulence, but you'll notice it alot less in larger airplanes. And sometimes, it sure is a relief to just get down on the ground.
Probably every single pilot flying for a major US carrier now is extremely experienced, and there are very few out there under 40 (because all the junior pilots have been furloughed). Most people have many years of military time too, so I feel very comfortable flying on the majors. The small commuter aircraft, landing on snowy runways, flying through icing conditions in the winter (especially turboprops)....not so much. Even I avoid that.
And as far as your parents pilot experience, romani, it is highly unlikely that someone would be drinking in a airport bar and then go out to fly shortly thereafter. Though there are some alcoholics, as in any profession, that cross the line....few would be so stupid as to do something that blatant. Sometimes people will go to bars and drink non-alcoholic drinks, more likely their flight is finished and they're just going home as a passenger. Of course, if I saw someone whom I knew was drinking alcohol, and shortly thereafter looked up and saw him sitting in the pilot's seat, I'd take action immediately. When I'm in uniform, I never sit down in a bar (though I may have to ask for a cup of coffee to go), just so there's no concern. But when work is over, who can begrudge someone a glass of wine or two?
-- Edited by busdriver11 on Thursday 30th of December 2010 01:02:28 PM
Pilots are awesome. Especially our very own busdriver!
I wish I had that ability to stay cool in stressful situations. Even in the most turbulent flights, their training keeps them focused on dealing with the situation.
My least favorite flight is the puddle jumper over the Rockies to my in-laws house. It's way too short a flight for drink service, unfortunately!
I have only ever had one bad experience on a plane. When my sister and I were moving out to CA (I was about 6 so she must have been about 11), we saw a pilot drinking in a bar in the airport. We ended up seeing the same pilot boarding our plane and my dad had the good sense to ask if he was our pilot (hey, he might have just been getting a free ride back home ya know?). He was. My parents promptly complained and we got on the next flight. Nothing happened to the plane far as I can remember (it was over a decade ago), but it just really unnerved us.
Other than that, I have had many flights to and from Cali, Vegas, Central America, and England. Never once had a bad pilot. The best pilot I can remember was on a flight from LA to Detroit. I flew home the day that we were supposed to be hit with the liquid bombs (oh yes, what a FUN trip through security that was...). The whole airport was very, very tense but our pilot greeted each person when we got on the plane and his whole persona just seemed to calm everyone around him. It was a really pleasant trip in an otherwise really stressful week and environment.
I feel bad for pilots. It can't be fun being away from your family that often :/.
Our best friend is a SWA pilot. I actually felt bad for him, because he was stuck in Baltimore since Dec 25th, and only got home(Raleigh) last night. He has to fly back out tomorrow.
Raising a teenager is like nailing Jello to a tree
I just came back from visiting the folks in Vegas. A nice 4.5 hour ride there and a 3.5 hour ride back (tail winds rock!)
Plane was scheduled to leave on 12-22 at 11:45 AM . We taxi-ed out a few feet and stopped. The pilot announced that perhaps it was TMI, but the it appered the extra fuel tank was malfunctioning. He was waiting for the powers to be to decide to let us fly and refuel on the way there or put us on another plane. His preference seemed to be to go ahead and refuel. The airline put us on aonther plane. We arrived in Vegas 3 hours late. No complaints.
I've flown to Vegas enough that I know when we clear the Rockies we start to bounce. As far as I am concerned that means we're almost there. Well, Vegas was in its last days of rain, so our descent was blind-clouds for quite sometime, although we hit a nice patch where there were clouds above us and below us and a wonderful sunshine in the middle!
We hit the lower clouds and we got treated to a roller coaster ride. Lots of kids on the plane so there were lots of "wooos" when we bounced. Those bounces underscored the need for the seat belt. I am positive that I would have it my head on the ceiling if I hadn't been belted in.
We cleared the lower clouds, came into Vegas and landed. The passengers applauded. But you know what? I had (and have) faith in the pilots. Along time ago, I had to overcome my apprehension about flying and came to the conclusion that the pilots are capable. I appreciate each and every one of them.
When we landed back home last night, but before we got off, I saw a pilot ( I think he was going to take the next leg of the flight) came out and inspected his plane. Made me smile.
So to all the pilots out there, you are very much appreciated!