To me, you cannot be an actual anarchist unless you are a devout Sex Pistol...or at least hold either Johnny Lydon, Malcom McClaren or, if you are a true nationalist, the Ramones in high regard.
It seems some soverign entity, be it fundamental Islamic, Communist, or "other" in nature, would crush a society without a strong central authority to protect it.
How does a society make the transistion from Northrop Grumman making weapons for the government to NG making weapons for a private defense implementation firm? It would seem the longer time horizon of governments would always give societies with a strong government a technological edge over an anachronistic society where firms focused on their own short term needs.
Didn't many Native Americans live in a nearly anachronistic state? Then the Europeans and other tribes conquered them. Of course the Europeans used technology and treachery to conquer the well organized tribes also.
I thought I'd introduce anarchism as a philosophy, its ethical justification, utilitarian benefits; explain how certain practical problems might be solved under such a system, and provide a few links for further reading.
I'm busy at the moment and have my finals this week, but I should be able to make a few detailed posts over break.
Here's something to hold everyone over for now (I know you're all just dying to learn about anarchism :P)