This forum will be minimally moderated and open to the public. Anyone who finds us can read it, but to post comments you will have to register a username and password.
Things may get heated, but please be considerate of others. If you come to flame or troll, you may be warned and lose posting privileges on a temporary or permanent basis.
Feel free to post new threads and invite anyone to this site.
Let's keep all conversations about CC in the Private forum. If you want to discuss anything about our old forum at CC, please don't do it here. If you do, your thread may be moved to the other site out of consideration for those who don't want to talk about these topics or fellow posters from our old site.
Thanks for your understanding.
We look forward to talking to you about politics and culture, economics, religion, cooking, kids, humor, sports, movies or even, man-caves. Really anything.
No topics are off-limits except Hate Speech and Porn. If you post either, realize you will likely be warned. Our hosting server doesn't allow these things and you can find either all over the internet, anyway. Enjoy your stay. We look forward to meeting you!